
Removing SystemD from Linux

Systemd is great for standardization, but it is insanely bloated. Boot times average around 20 seconds when removing it and using a minimal init system will result in a boot time of only a few seconds. This is a guide on switching to OpenRC.

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Ultra BASH Prompt

The .bashrc file is a script that runs every time a new terminal session is started in Unix-like operating systems. It is used to configure the shell session, set up aliases, define functions, and more, making the terminal easier to use and more powerful. Below is a summary of the key sections and functionalities defined in the provided .bashrc file.

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Atomic Desktops: Revolutionizing the Linux Experience

Linux Atomic Desktops, a concept derived from Fedora’s Project Atomic, are designed to provide a more reliable and manageable desktop environment. This initiative extends the principles of atomic updates to Fedora Workstation, aiming to enhance the stability and consistency of the Linux desktop experience.

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Zoxide is an enhanced version of the traditional cd command, drawing inspiration from tools like z and autojump. It’s designed to make navigating your filesystem faster and more intuitive by learning your habits. The more you use it, the smarter it gets, allowing you to “jump” to your most frequently used directories with minimal input.

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