Changing file permissions using PowerShell

Changing file permissions using PowerShell

Use the following script for changing file permissions using PowerShell. I use this script when command line takeown and icacls fail. Obviously, run from an elevated PowerShell prompt or by typing ‘powershell’ from elevated cmd.

The Script

Change $folder to the base directory you want for changing permissions.
Please note, you can use network UNC paths for this or a simple C:.

$folder = "\\homeserver\users\"
$users = get-childitem $folder
Foreach ($user in $users) {
$acl = Get-Acl $user.FullName
set-acl $user.FullName $acl -Verbose
$subFolders = Get-ChildItem $user.FullName -Directory -Recurse
Foreach ($subFolder in $subFolders) {
$acl = Get-Acl $subFolder.FullName
set-acl $subFolder.FullName $acl -Verbose
$subFiles = Get-ChildItem $user.FullName -File -Recurse
Foreach ($subFile in $subFiles) {
$acl = Get-Acl $subFile.FullName
set-acl $subFile.FullName $acl -Verbose

I’ve never had takeown fail on local disks, but I have found that I needed to resort to using a PowerShell script when doing this through a network location. It’s a very powerful script, however always be careful when running this. Be sure to always test this in a subdirectory first. This can be catastrophic for a company with millions of files and folder to reset the permission on, therefore be very careful!