Dism++ enables users to modify Windows images before installing them, as well as providing tools to address and repair common issues like missing or corrupted files.
DISM++ is an open source github project located @ https://github.com/Chuyu-Team/Dism-Multi-language/tree/master/www.chuyu.me but is a bit dated. The last activity on the project was February 2022, but the main site is down.
It is created by Chuyu, which is a Chinese developer and I’d recommend NOT using this tool for secure environments. In short, if you use TikTok or Discord, then is a giant nothing burger for you and use away.
Advanced cleanup of Windows updates and misc. files.
See what programs are starting and what programs will get installed when a new user is created.
Bulk uninstall Microsoft Store Apps.
Uninstalled Built-In Updates? Use the DISM++ Updates tab to scan and install new updates.
Since this is seeing less and less updates, I wouldn’t use these tools. Microsoft is constantly updating and modifying Windows, hence using the less targeted tools is NOT Recommended.