Garmin Express on Linux | Step by Step Guide

Garmin Express on Linux | Step by Step Guide

This is an installation guide on how to get Garmin Express on Linux working. In this Step by Step Guide, I go over creating a new wine bottle and installing Garmin Express in it.

Linux Package Requirements:

  • wine-devel Note:3.19 or higher
  • winetricks

Installation Steps

First we start by creating a wineprefix and installing our prerequisites from terminal:

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/GarminExpress winetricks dotnet452 vcrun2010 corefonts
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/GarminExpress winetricks win7

Note: You will be prompted during the setup for .NET installation just hit next and finish. Also, I like to seperate win7 after the prerequisites are setup to make sure the wineprefix runs in Windows 7 mode.

With that out of the way we need to download and install our GarminExpress.exe Setup executable. I downloaded mine from

Run the GarminExpress.exe file in our wine prefix

WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/GarminExpress wine explorer /desktop=garmin,1366x768 /home/$USER/Downloads/GarminExpress.exe

Note: If you downloaded the GarminExpress.exe to another location replace it above

Modify your shortcut to be the following command

WINEPREFIX=/home/ctitus/GarminExpress wine explorer /desktop=garmin,1366x768 ‘/home/ctitus/GarminExpress/drive_c/Program Files/Garmin/Express/express.exe’

Upon Launch you should see this screen which should recognize your Garmin device

With all this done you will be able to launch Garmin Express on Linux.

Video Walkthrough