How to Install Xen Orchestra

How to Install Xen Orchestra

This article shows you how to install Xen Orchestra and use the interface via the web. XOA is a very powerful addition to XenServer as it brings auto-updates and making it easier to manage entire farms.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Login to your XenServer via PuTTy OR through XenCenter console
  2. Type bash -c "$(curl -s"
    • Enter a new IP where you will access XOA from web
    • Wait for this to finish you will see XOA VM popup
    • Note: This may take a couple hours if XOA servers are downloading slow. I highly recommend downloading offline installer if installing on multiple servers.
  3. Once Complete, PuTTy to XOA VM (IP Address from prior install)
    • login with username/password: xoa
    • set new password for console
    • register xoa from username and password that you used on their website
      • sudo xoa-updater --register
    • now run the updater to check for any upgrades
      • sudo xoa-updater –upgrade
    • reboot if any upgrades were performed
  4. Open Browser, Login to XOA
  5. Add your XenServers – If you only have 1 pool, you only need to add your pool master
    • Remember: if you are using default self-signed certificates on XenServer enable “unauthorized certificates” and then click disconnected
  6. Enjoy

Video Walkthrough

I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough of how to install Xen Orchestra and if you have any feedback let me know below. In closing, I really like this product and think it is a great addition to the XenServer and a much-needed improvement over what Citrix offers.