
Linux for Beginners

So you want to use Linux? It is truly an amazing operating system and probably my favorite one to use. However, it is not for everyone and you’ll need to learn a few things before you can understand it.

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Laptop Power Management

Power management is a critical thing to understand in laptops. It’s possible to buy an expensive laptop and end up not using it because of bad power management practices.

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Is Windows Bad

It’s what we know. Windows is a tool and has evolved over the years while dominating the PC Market since the 90s. So it begs the question, is it bad?

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Life without a Smart Phone

I recently switched to a Dumb Phone from the smart phone and many asked why? This is my breakdown of the entire experience and recommendations. This certainly won’t be for everyone, but for those that attempt it, I can promise that it will be extremely rewarding for those that have the willpower to do it.

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Disable Win Defender

Windows Defender can be a massive drain on system performance and often can have a lot of false positives. While I recommend Anti-virus for most, I don’t like having it enabled on my systems that aren’t used for web browsing.

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Best Package Manager

Instead of using the built-in package manager in Linux or some container that never puts the programs files in a usable spot, we will use Homebrew!

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