
iDrac Dell Server (Off-Band Remote Access)

I recently had a server freeze up when I wasn’t on-site and needed to power cycle it. I had configured iDrac before but it was not responsive. Here are some useful commands that can configure, reboot, and reset the iDrac function on Dell Servers. The commands below are run from a command prompt on the server (unless otherwise stated) in the (C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\idrac) path.

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Raid Re-syncing Windows software raid

I want to preface this article in saying that I would never use a software raid in a business environment. However, recently I tried the windows software raid on a home theater PC. We recently had a power issue and caused the RAID 1 to go into resyncing status. Since it was about 2 TB of data, the resync would take several days and be causing performance issues. I found I could not break the raid or remove the mirror.

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