Removing SystemD from Linux

Removing SystemD from Linux

Systemd is great for standardization, but it is insanely bloated. Boot times average around 20 seconds when removing it and using a minimal init system will result in a boot time of only a few seconds. This is a guide on switching to OpenRC.

What do I lose?

Systemd has a LOT of functions and can do the following, but often we swap out to alternatives anyways.

  • Bootloader (Grub is the alternative)
  • Timers (cronie is still widely used instead)
  • Networkd (NetworkManager is almost universally used - same goes for resolved for dns resolution)
  • Auto mount (A few distros use this but often /etc/fstab is used instead)
  • journald (This I will miss… it is a fantastic system log tool)
  • logind (Alternative is elogind - You NEED a login daemon because without it you have to run Xorg as ROOT which only a crazy person would do.)
  • timedated ( universal date and time management)
  • udev (device manager and very useful for using rules to manage device without elevation. Ex. Managing backlight on a laptop)

Switch to OpenRC

The switch is very easy

sudo apt install openrc sysvinit-core
sudo reboot

After restart process is complete install the following packages to fill in any gaps missing with systemd no longer on the system:

sudo apt install elogind libpam-elogind orphan-sysvinit-scripts systemctl procps
sudo reboot


Prevent Systemd from reinstalling

Create /etc/apt/preferences.d/systemd

Package: systemd
Pin: release *
Pin-Priority: -1
Package: *systemd*
Pin: release *
Pin-Priority: -1
Package: systemd:i386
Pin: release *
Pin-Priority: -1

APT-Mark holds

sudo apt-mark hold libsystemd0

Systemd vs OpenRC Commands

This is a comparison of the different init systems and run commands.


systemctl list-unitsrc.d listrc-statusList running services status
systemctl –failedrc-status –crashedCheck failed services
systemctl –allrc-update -v showDisplay all available services.
systemctl (start, stop, restart, status) daemon.servicerc.d (start, stop, restart) daemonrc-service daemon (start, stop, restart, status)Change service state.
systemctl (enable, disable) daemon.servicechkconfig daemon (on, off)rc-update (add, del) daemonTurn service on or off.
systemctl daemon-reloadchkconfig daemon –addCreate or modify configuration.

Creating an OpenRC Service/Daemon

Official Manual page:

Create a service script here: /etc/init.d/mydaemon


command_args="-c /etc/mydaemon.conf"
description="super essential service"

depend() {
  need localmount
  use logger

checkconfig() {

start_pre() {
  # Prevent of double check
  if [ "${RC_CMD}" != "restart" ] ; then
    checkconfig || return $?

stop_pre() {
  if [ "${RC_CMD}" = "restart" ] ; then
    checkconfig || return $?

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