Windows Server 2016 Core

Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2016 Core

This guide walks you through how to installing and configuring windows server 2016 core, afterward you will easily be able to add one to your environment with very little resources. Start off by using the video guide over the installation process. Once done, check the bullets below to help walk you through doing it in your infrastructure.

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How to remotely access Window Server 2016 Core in PowerShell

This walkthrough shows you how to remotely access Window Server 2016 Core in PowerShell. Windows Server 2016 Core is a great minimal install of windows server but doesn’t come with any desktop experience. This means we will be doing everything via command prompt or PowerShell for the initial setup. The great thing is you use Powershell and RSAT from a Windows 10 machine and working on the server is a snap. You get the ease of administration and the reliability and compact design of Core.

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