This guide will walk you through a fresh Windows installation and debloat the services, tasks, and apps that are running in the background.
powershell -nop -c "iex(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')"
This project was using many of the aspects of other debloat scripts, but I combined system admin scripts with it that I use to configure workstations at businesses. I also added Chocolatey package manager to the script for easy program installations.
The script will remove scheduled tasks, windows applications, install common applications (adobe reader, notepad++, java, and more), while also disabling services, and removing windows components like Cortana that are performance hogs.
Disabled Services and Tasks
Services Disabled:
Windows 10’s user interface is a mess and has too many notifications. This removes the Action Center, LockScreen, Sticky Keys, Task View, Expands File Transfer details by default, Show all tray icons, and various other tweaks.
This script will keep the core of Microsoft Office, but most other Microsoft products that are sideloaded are removed. OneDrive is a big one that some use, so if you want that functionality check the customization section. Most other features removed aren’t used, like Internet Explorer and Work Folders.
I encourage people to fork this project and comment out things they don’t like! Here are a list of normal things people change:
Comment any thing you don’t want out… Example:
########## NOTE THE # SIGNS! These disable lines This example shows UACLow being set and Disabling SMB1
### Security Tweaks ###
"SetUACLow", # "SetUACHigh",
"DisableSMB1", # "EnableSMB1",
### Security Tweaks ###
This script will be great for most users out there without losing much if any functionality. I typically run this on every system I setup, but I encourage you to fork this project and make the customizations that you need. Anything is possible, and everything can be automated. Save yourself hours of time and learn how to use not only this script, but using PowerShell.