This will show you how to set up a VPN Kill Switch so all traffic will come from that server. For this server, I am using CentOS, but you can easily use Ubuntu server if you are more familiar with that.
sudo apt install openvpn ufw -y
*Note: use apt instead of dnf on Ubuntu or Debian Servers
sudo nmtuisudo nmcli connection down eth0 && sudo nmcli connection up eth0
My recommendation for a Public VPN Provider is Express VPN. It is what I use below and in my VPN videos due to its speed and amount of servers. This is my affiliate link where you will receive an extra 3 months free for signing up for a year.
However, you can use these instructions on ANY VPN that provides ovpn files which any reputable VPN provider has.
mv ~/Downloads/client.ovpn /etc/openvpn/test.conf
ls /lib/systemd/system/
*Check for openvpn-client@ or openvpn@sudo systemctl start openvpn@test
sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p
Verify Ipv6 is disabledcat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6
sudo sysctl --all | grep disable_ipv6
sudo nano /etc/default/ufw
Whitelist Local Area Networksudo ufw allow in to
sudo ufw allow out to
Block All Incoming and Outgoing Traffic by Defaultsudo ufw default deny outgoing
sudo ufw default deny incoming
Whitelist VPN Port for VPN Establishmentsudo ufw allow out to any port 1194 proto udp
*check port by doing head /etc/openvpn/expressvpn.conf
Whitelist VPN Tunnelsudo ufw allow out on tun0 from any to any
sudo ufw allow in on tun0 from any to any
Enable Firewallsudo ufw enable
X11 Forwarding
Transmission daemonsudo apt install transmission-daemon
sudo systemctl stop transmission-daemon
sudo nano /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json
*enable rpc and whitelist, add blocklistsudo systemctl start transmission-daemon