Why I Use Linux

Why I Use Linux

I use EVERY operating system, but I use Linux for my main machine. Its not for security, its not for privacy, its not for speed, and its not for stability.

Windows Shortcomings

Windows has been my main OS since the 90s and I’ve used it for everything. I’ve used it for gaming, coding, and everything in between. However, in recent years from forced updates and telemetry there is a lot of problems that have come up. I’d even go as far as to say that Windows is the reason most people use Linux, at least initially. Linux is not attractive, but compared to many of the improvements in Windows over the past 10 years, it is makes Linux look like a rockstar. With last years Recall debacle, it is clear that Microsoft is not looking out for the user. However, this isn’t my main reason for using Linux anymore, but it was my main reason for starting to use Linux.

MacOS isn’t for me

MacOS is also another refuge for Windows users, but I find the lack of customization and lack of control to be a bit much. I’ve used it for a few years, but I don’t like it as much as Linux. I enjoy customizing my system and I have the same fears that Apple is going to start forcing updates and telemetry like Windows or even worse, start to limit what I can do with my system.

Linux is the best of all worlds

Most Linux virgins will tell you its more secure, private, or stable than Windows. Security can be achieved with Qubes and other security specialized distros with compartmentalization but frankly it sucks. It causes WAY too much friction and is not worth the security or privacy benefits for me. Stability is another thing, I’ve had more stability issues with Linux than Windows. I’ve had to reinstall my OS more times on Linux than Windows. I don’t say this to bash Linux, I love Linux, but I’m just being honest. Most of these stability issues were from either trying to make obscure hardware/software work under Linux or relying on desktop environments and a GUI to do too much. Linux can be VERY stable, but it can also be VERY unstable.

So Why Linux?

Simply put, I get more done. I am able to develop more software, I am more creative for YouTube videos, and I am able explore an endless world of possibilities in Linux. No one knows everything about Linux and I do mean NO ONE! Not even the most experienced Linux users knows everything about Linux. There is always something new to learn and I love it because of this. In Mac or Windows there is no mystery for me other than tracking down and fixing things Apple or Microsoft screwed up in recent years, but beyond that its rather boring.

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